Friday, July 8, 2011


Hello seafood lovers, yup its me summer here once again. You know how it is when somebody knocks on your door and give you 4 kilos of crabs and you don't know what to do with it. Well, it's time to head the kitchen and do some lovin' cookin' ...let me share with you my crab'licious menu..


5 pcs whole crab cut into halves
1/4 slice of squash cut into cubes
1 pc onion (sliced)
5 cloves garlic (minced)
1 inch ginger cut into thin strips
3 pcs siling labuyo (chili pepper or cayenne)
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 cup pure grated coconut milk (canned coconut milk will do)
1 cup cocomilk with water
salt to taste


1. Saute garlic, onions, ginger, then add the cubed squash.
2. Then add the coco milk with water, chili pepper and the crabs and let it boil for 10 minutes
until the crabs will reach its desired (reddish) color.
3. Finally, add the pure cocomilk, let it simmer for 3 minutes, salt to taste and voila! Crab'licious is ready to serve..

1 comment:

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